Thursday, August 14, 2008

Visit to School

We visited Peder's school classroom yesterdayHe couldn't wait to go. We met his teacher, Ms. Dolliver. She is very nice, of course, and Peder likes her. I've heard she's strict, which is fine by me. For the first time, Peder and his classmates have their own desks. This makes it look like a "big kid's" classroom where a lot of learning will happen. Peder insisted on bringing his school supplies and was putting them in his desk. He was cramming everything in so she showed him how to do it in an orderly fashion. Organization could be an ongoing process. I think Peder is excited to begin the school year.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Preparing for School

We're gearing up for school to begin. Peder starts school on August 20th. I start on the 25th, but have school prep work and staff developments all next week. I had speech inservices last Friday and today (Monday). Yesterday we shopped for Peder's school supplies. Included on the list are an index card file, alphabetical index card dividers and index cards. We're not sure what he'll be doing with those, but I do know that there will definitely be more academic responsibilities now that he's in 1st grade. We are visiting his classroom on Wednesday and he's very excited about that. His teacher is Ms. Dolliver and I'm looking forward to meeting her.

Monday, August 4, 2008

We took Peder to the dr. this afternoon for his 7 year check up. Of course, the only question he asks is "Will there be shots?" Fortunately, there were no shots today. He is now 46 inches tall (up from 43.5 inches last year) and weighs 46.8 pounds (up from 44 pounds last year). Other details: blood pressure 77/49, heart rate 87. They also did another hearing screening (he passed so we're thinking his hearing issues are "selective" when it comse to listening to us) and a vision screening (passed that too).

When they has to prick his finger, I sat with him. He was very scared and was holding both hands. The nurse said "I need your hand." Peder said "My whole hand?!?" It was very funny.

We were in and out of the doctor's office in an hour. That is a first!

We are so grateful that Peder is a healthy little boy....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Back from St. Louis

Mark and I went to St. Louis for a week and returned today, August 1. Grandma and Grandpa were kind enough to stay with the grandkids whiel we were gone and they did a wonderful job. It was the first time I'd left Caroline so I wasn't sure how she'd react. When we walked in she smiled and walked up to me and just stared at my face. She didn't cling or cry which was nice. Here's a picture of her in our suitcase after I unpacked. She LOVES to get into things, literally!
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