Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Birthday Party Drama

Peder went to a birthday party at a huge gymnasium where they practice gymnastics and host birthday parties. He got some great party favors including a coveted Webkinz stuffed animal (he traded a horse with "girl eyes" for a toad, so a crisis was averted there). He also got a party bag with a bag of animal crackers, a bag of Skittles and a bag of M&Ms. On the bag was a balloon. Caroline LOVES balloons and he was running around with this bag and balloon (I had already removed the candy). Caroline was getting so frustrated and we finally told him that Caroline really wanted to see the balloon and that he could share with her. He ran again into the kitchen and I was about to plead with him again to JUST GIVE HER THE BALLOON (!!) when he said "Mommy, just a minute." He brought in the balloon with the bag. She opened the bag and saw the bag of animal crackers and was thrilled. Now the balloon wasn't even an issue (of course). Peder gave her a kiss on the forehead and sat with her on the couch. Okay, he doesn't really like animal crackers, but it was the thought that counts, right? Now if I throw a tantrum will Peder share the M&Ms with me????
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, I want to go to a birthday party that hands out Webkinz! Glad Peder didn't get stuck with an animal with girl eyes..... Peder kissing Caroline on the forehead. How precious....
    Aunt Tamara
